G to Z Turf Services, Inc., has been in business since 1996. It is owned and operated by two former golf course superintendents with more than 60 years experience in the turf business. Our goal has always been to provide the best service and prices that we can to ensure customer satisfaction. Over the years we have done just that, and we plan on improving every year on the way that we service our customers. We will always provide great products at fair prices and try our best to get whatever our customer needs even if we do not carry the product.
G to Z Turf Services now stocks Solo backpack sprayers, hand-held sprayers, and the very popular 421-S spreader. We can also customize orders to fit any customer’s needs. We are offering a special sale for the month of November, so contact us now! November Sale: Special Combo Pack 1- 421S Spreader & 1 456 Sprayer for only $89.95 421-S Portable Spreader: 5.5 lbs chest mounted applicator holds up to 20 pounds of material. Agitator allows material to drop onto impeller evenly, improving... (more...)
Both G to Z Turf Services, Inc. and its partner company Southeast Partners have developed many programs for fairways and will make recommendations for any type of sod. We have created a special supplemental fairway foliar program to enhance your golf course greens to use in addition to your regular fairway program. It is important to stay on a good foliar program. For any questions about fertilizer programs or about best practices for fairway maintenance, contact us at any time. Following is the... (more...)
G to Z Turf Services, Inc., offers many programs for golf course greens and can recommend a program for any type of sod. We offer programs with alternating weeks to ensure that the greens maintain a healthy and steady growth. We know the importance of staying on a good greens program, and we can be contacted any time with questions about a program or about best practices on golf course greens maintenance. Following are some recommended programs for golf course greens: Week 1 & 3 Week 2... (more...)
It is important for homeowners to use good, complete fertilizers in order to ensure that grass maintains healthy and has steady growth. It is important to stay on a good program. G to Z Turf Services, Inc., offers many programs for different grasses and can recommend a program for any type of sod. Contact us at any time if you have questions about a program, or about best practices on fertilizing your grass. Following are some recommended programs for homeowners: Floratam & Empire Zoysia October... (more...)
The best way to answer this question is to say that no other nutrient does more for the turf grass plant than calcium. It has often been referred to as the forgotten nutrient in turf grass. Almost every time someone is having a problem with their turf grass that they can not figure out, calcium seems to be the answer. Lets review some of the many benefits of calcium before we move on. Calcium in the soil has the following benefits: reduces soil compaction, creates better environment for beneficial... (more...)