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Roberti Enterprises
Information may not be reliable

He estimates he’s trained more than one million people in 30 different countries and has helped hundreds of people earn a seven figure
Address5379 Ocean Blvd Sarasota, FL 34242-3327
Phone(941) 346-7300
What a spectacular turn out we had for our business training last week! Approximately 1200 of you took advantage of the opportunity to hear and learn from the top distributors in the NSA organization. A special thank you to our speakers who wholeheartedly agreed to give of their time to share their stories, ideas, and business successes with us all.
The following links to the audio recording of this event is broken up into two parts:
Part One: Jeff Roberti and Gordon Hester
Part Two: Cheryl Cortese, Bob Burdick, Loren Slocum, Mickey & Kerry Daigle, Chris Drobes, Doug Barlow, and Gretchen Comstock
It is my hope that this audio will serve as a catalyst to spur your business on to bigger and better things!

I had an opportunity recently to be a part of a conference call with Cheryl Corteses team. I had a great response from the call so I wanted to share it with everyone on my blog.
Jeff Roberti – Conference Call with Cheryl Cortese’s Team (9-27-10)
I think it is a magical time for NSA and Juice Plus. I am seeing so many success stories from both the product and business. I continue to believe the best is yet to come for both NSA and those distributors who focus on the consistent discipline necessary to succeed in their business. I look forward to seeing everyone in Orlando.

Above are Barbara Lancer, Sarasota advisory council chairwoman; Jeffrey Roberti, presenter; Wish child Bethany and Beth Malden. The auction and tournament garnered $210,000 to help make more wishes come true.
“Decade of Dreams”
Auction and Tennis Tournament A Huge Success
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Sarasota/Tampa Bay, Inc. recently held their 10th Annual Salomon Smith Barney “Decade of Dreams” Auction and Tennis Tournament. “This event added $210,000 in total proceeds to fund available to help make special wishes come true,” according to Sarasota Advisory Council Chairman Barbara Lancer.
The auction, held at Phillip Mansion the evening before the tournament, was attended by over 600 guests. Along with all the wonderful auction items this year, the highlight of the evening was when Jeffrey Roberti presented the Wish Child of honor for the evening, 7 year old Bethany. Bethany’s wish was for a trip to Disney World for herself and her family. Bethany’s wish was adopted by one of the attendees who asked to remain anonymous.
The Tennis Tournament was held at The Bath & Racquet Club with approximately 400 players in 14 highly competitive divisions. The beautiful weather and huge winner’s trophies allowed for a fun time for all those participating.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.

The Son Also Rises
Jeff Roberti has made a fortune in direct selling but his greatest reward has been giving back to his family.
Life crashed down around Jeff Roberti late one evening in 1985 when he learned his dad had died of a heart attack at the age of 46. “I never got the chance to say goodbye,” Jeff says. As the oldest son, Jeff knew his mom, Alice and two younger brothers would need him more than at any other time in their life. And from those dark days, one of the greatest success stories in direct selling began.
“My dad had always worked for someone else, building someone else’s wealth,” Jeff recalls. “Meanwhile, he struggled to pay his own bills every month.” Jeff saw his dad wear that stress and believes it ultimately played a part in his passing at such an early age. “I decided I was not going to live like that.”
Easier said than done!
At the time, Jeff was 24 and working as a waiter, living in a tiny apartment and struggling to make ends meet. He had gone to a junior college for two years but didn’t earn a degree. With no education or practical experience, Jeff faced an uphill battle in his desire to make things easier for him and his family. After getting off work early one night, he stumbled into an opportunity to start his own direct selling company. “It was a good fit. It was an industry that allowed me to overcome what I was lacking in education, experience and money by channeling my endless desire to succeed and my willingness to learn,” Jeff says.
However, shortly after starting his home-based business, Jeff’s sponsor quit, leaving him without a teacher to learn the ropes. But rather than lean on his latest crutch, Jeff got proactive. “I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was behind on bills. I was behind on my promises to family and friends. So I tore up my list of excuses and moved ahead full speed,” he says. Jeff set a goal for himself: By the end of his first year, he wanted to be earning $10,000 a month. He then began the process of trial and error, learning from his mistakes, perfecting his craft and repeating what worked over and over.
He reached his goal of $10,000 within his first month in business. Twelve months later, Jeff was making $100,000 a month. And over the past 18 years, he’s averaged over $250,000 a month and earned over $50 million total. “My accomplishments were really beyond my wildest dreams,” Jeff recalls. “I went from waiting tables, making maybe $1,000 to $2,000 a month, to being at the edge of making all my dreams come true.”
Jeff in South Africa, Victoria Falls:
And that meant taking care of his family. “The Bible says find a way to serve many and it will lead to greatness.” While Jeff has certainly enjoyed an opulent lifestyle, including a four-story house on the beach with a swimming pool on its roof, he made sure to share that opportunity with his mother and siblings. He helped his older brother, Paul, get his own business off the ground financially and paid for his younger brother, Jonathan’s school while he earned his Ph.D in psychology.
“It was an industry that allowed me to overcome what I was lacking in education, experience and money by channeling my endless desire to succeed and my willingness to learn.”
Jeff in Portofino, Italy with friends:
He also made sure his mother had everything she could ever want. “I spoil her,” Jeff says proudly. He’s taken Alice on various trips across the world, including Hawaii and Europe. He even bought her a beach house as well as a house in the mountains and her dream car. “I only have one mom and she deserves it for putting up with me over the years,” says Jeff.
In addition to helping his family, Jeff continues to travel all around the world helping others become successful with their own home-based businesses.
He estimates he’s trained more than one million people in 30 different countries and has helped hundreds of people earn a seven figure income and thousands earn more than a six figure income. “I care more about my people and their results than I do my own income,” he says. Among his many success stories is a single mother of two from Louisiana who now earns twice as much in a month as what she used to earn in a year as a school teacher. “I can’t put a price tag on the joy I get playing just a small part in the success of another person.” Overall, Jeff’s downline has sold in excess of $3 billion worldwide.
Still, for all his success, Jeff feels a void in his life. “I would give it back tomorrow if I could have my dad alive today. I’m sure he would have been proud of me. I know he is looking down from heaven each day with a smile on his face.”

There are many elements that have contributed to my success with NSA (National Safety Associates, Inc., from Memphis, Tennessee) and my journey to becoming a multimillionaire…
I always had great work habits… I always tried to be the best distributor in my group… I always focused on building leadership in my downline.
However, my efforts were not the primary reason for my success. The primary reason for my success was that I joined the right company when I started my career in network marketing.
The network marketing industry is full of companies to represent as a distributor. Making the right choice will ultimately playa big part in your ability to succeed in this industry. Many companies have good marketing plans. Many companies have good products and services.
However, the true judge of any company’s ability to prosper in network marketing is its ability to handle diversity and change. All distributors should use experience, vision, and character of a company’s management team as the measuring stick for selecting the right company. It is the primary reason I joined National Safety Associates and the reason today that NSA is at the best stage of its illustrious 28- year history.
Latest Change was the Greatest. When I started with NSA, it already had a great history. It had two different and successful product launches at the time. By my third year in the company, NSA had entered into its third successful product launch and sales were exploding.
However, the network marketing industry was going through a change. This change would present the NSA management team with its greatest challenge to date. NSA had to change from a company that focused on selling business opportunities to a company that focused on selling a product to a final consume!: Below are some of the ways it accomplished this change.
Development of Juice Plus+. The first step in the change was to find a unique product that everyone needed, no one had and that was affordable to the masses. The NSA management team recognized that preventive health care through diet (especially eating more fruits and vegetables) was going to be the next big market in the US and around the world. Less than 5 percent of Americans eat enough fruits and vegetables. The American consumer did not have enough time to eat properly.
As NSA was searching for a product, the company found Dr. Humbart “Smokey” Santillo. He was a well-respected nutritionist and author: He had found a way to put fruits and vegetables in a capsule. Even though it was not a replacement for eating fruits and vegetables, it presented an alternative method for obtaining the benefits of fruits and vegetables in a convenient and affordable manner. It appeared to be the perfect fit.
Partnership for Profit. To make the Juice Plus+ concept work, the NSA management team began to develop strategic relationships with other companies to develop Juice Plus+. After an exhaustive search for the right partners, NSA selected Natural Alternatives and Natural Enzymes Company to join in the creating of Juice Plus+.
Both these companies had years of experience and were considered the best companies in their respective fields. Along with the advice of the many other prominent doctors, scientist, athletes and nutritionists, the NSA Juice Plus+ team was developed.
The Audio Tape System. NSA management faced another unique problem. The NSA distributors were not nutritional experts. Distributors were having the most success when they got a new prospect to attend a meeting hosted by a health professional talking about Juice Plus+ and the health advantages of fruits and vegetables.
Understanding the strength of the health professionals’ ability to get people on Juice Plus+, the NSA management team decided to put their lectures on audio tape. NSA distributors now had a way to take the presentation outside of a meeting. The concept was simple and anyone could market Juice Plus+ by using these tools.
Automatic Reorder Program. In order to assist its distributors from: 1) Carrying large inventories, and 2) having to resell Juice Plus+ to their customers directly; NSA developed a “Preferred Customer Program.” The program allowed NSA customers and distributors to debit their bank accounts or credits cards automatically in order to buy NSA’s product on a monthly basis. NSA would process the order and send them its product. In addition, NSA also took the role of communicating with these customers on an ongoing basis. Today, the majority of NSA’s sales occur as a result of this program.
The Virtual Franchise Program. The concept of the Virtual Franchise had never been tried in network marketing. It allowed distributors to build a small profitable business of their own, behind a brand-name product using a tried and proven system -then share that system with others and receive a share of their profits in return.
It was the ideal business for distributors searching for: 1) a second income source, or 2) a way to develop a business part-time until it could replace their full-time income. In addition, there was a 100 percent no-risk guarantee issued from Jay Martin, the president of NSA
Scientific Proof. Many companies make claims. The NSA management team decided to support its claims about Juice Plus+. Juice Plus+ has been featured in numerous medical journals including the American Medical Review (AMR) in July 1996, the Current Therapeutic Research Journal (CTR) in June 1996 and the American Nutraceutical Association in March 1998. All these studies focused on the positive health benefits and results of taking Juice Plus+. It is the most tested products in the history of network marketing.
The Results of the Change. Today, NSA is more stable than at any time it its illustrious 28-year history. Over 50 percent of the sales are from the preferred customer program. In addition, NSA has over 200,000 customers on Juice Plus+ and is adding over 6,000 new preferred customer per month.
Thousands of medical professionals are marketing Juice Plus+. Distributor and customer loyalty is at an all-time high. NSA has now done over $3 billion in sales and is marketing NSA products in 23 countries. The founder and president of NSA, Jay Martin, is still leading the company.
He has surrounded himself with management talent such as Roger Pearsal1(the head of international development), Elton DuBose (the head of internal affairs and distributor relations), John Blair (the head of product development), Charlie Evans (the chief financial officer and financial brains behind NSA) and Doug Arscott (NSA’s North American sales director). Remarkably, there are many other names that I could add to this list.
Why I Stay with NSA. NSA is a proven company with proven management. In 28 years, it has always shipped the product on time and has never missed a commission payment to its distributors. It is one of the few companies in the network marketing industry that under- stand their distributors are their biggest asset. Its commitment has allowed me to make over $30 million in commissions and bonuses in just the last ten years.
More important, NSA is my vehicle to promote personal growth, financial opportunity, better health and to teach others the importance of self responsibility in insuring their family’s future. I am confident that the future of NSA is strong. There is no question that NSA distributors and customers will be the big winners in the years to come

Success Magazine’s “Working At Home”
Jeffrey Roberti was despondent. There had to be more to life than waiting tables, thought the 21-year-old. Then, one day in the mid-1980’s, he left work early to attend a meeting about network marketing. He was about to find his answer and the key to his success.
More than 15 years since the night that changed his life, Roberti has amassed a $38 million fortune.
He signed up that evening during a meeting for network-marketing giant, Herbalife. Two years later he joined National Safety Associates (NSA), a preventive health-care products distributor based in Memphis, Tenn. He’s worked for NSA for the past 13 years.
Today, the lifelong Sarasota, Fla., native continues to manage his NSA work from his four-story home on the beach (complete with swimming pool on the roof), travels extensively, and oversees distributors in 20 countries around the globe. He also tends other business interests as Roberti Enterprises, composed of Robosta Real Estate, U.S. Funding Group (a residential mortgage company), and a fitness center on the island of Siesta Key.
It beats waiting tables for a living. “When I went to that first network marketing meeting, I sat in the back of the room somewhat skeptical with my arms folded,” Roberti says. “But when I heard concepts like ‘earn what you’re worth’ and ‘average people can earn above-average income,’ I loosened up and began to take note.” He says he learned a lot in those first formative years of network marketing, principles like discipline, good work habits, and avoiding distractions—all essential characteristics that home-based entrepreneurs must possess.
Roberti credits a number of ingredients for his success. His family was far from wealthy while he was growing up. That left him with a desire and hunger for achievement that remains even today. “I tell people that network marketing can provide the rewards and opportunities you always wanted but never thought; you could achieve,” he says.
Believing in what the company sells is essential to success. “I’ve tried the products, and I believe in them. That makes them easy for me to sell,” says Roberti. “It’s also important to have a sense of sharing with and caring about customers.”
Roberti braves the inevitable rejection from potential buyers often and everywhere. “There’s a saying, ’some will, some won’t, so what,’” he says. “In network marketing you can’t take anything personally.” He follows up this ideology with a mantra of his own: “Say less to more people, and move on to the next person.” A good exercise for a home-based marketer is to talk to at least three people every day, Roberti says. “Practice makes perfect.”
When Roberti is not working, he en- joys most of the amenities that come with living near a beach-volleyball, boating, and fishing. He’s also an avid diver and loves to fish and snow ski. He never intends to stop learning, reads all kinds of material, listens to tapes, and remains a devoted follower of success gurus like Tony Robbins and Jim Rohn. He’s also a speaker and trainer for the Multilevel Marketing International Association and has addressed more than a million people in some 25 countries.
Ultimately, Roberti says he feels a sense of accomplishment by being able to touch so many lives. He believes in people, sometimes more than they believe in themselves, Roberti says. “I’m coaching and mentoring by phone every day;”
In the past decade and a half, he has helped hundreds of people earn seven-figure incomes and helped thousands of home-based marketers earn six-figure incomes.
When asked about his primary objectives for the coming year, Roberti takes a deep breath, “Growth. all areas of my life, professionally, spiritually, emotionally. Also, to serve others and stand as a role model to others. And I think it’s important to grow as a leader, as one who can inspire others, especially kids and friends.”
So, you might ask, “What does the 38-million-dollar man do with all that money?”
He supports a number of community causes such as the United Cerebral Palsy and Make-a- Wish Foundation. He also helped put one of his two brothers through college to earn a Ph.D.
He says one of his proudest moments came a couple of Christmases ago. He did some detective work to find out what kind of new car his mother desired. He paid cash for the car, had it loaded with all the bells and whistles, tied a big red bow around it, and gave the keys to her on Christmas morning. She was brought to tears by the expression of love from her son, a one-time waiter who just wanted to serve a higher purpose.

Staff writer-Sarasota Herald-Tribune
It was a slow night in 1983 at the expensive Longboat Key restaurant where Jeff Roberti worked as a waiter. Roberti, only three years out of high school, was sent home early.
Instead, he decided to attend a meeting in town by a multilevel marketing company with a hot new line of diet pills. “I got affected,” said Roberti, as he lunched on grilled salmon recently in the Siesta Village, his red Ferrari parked nearby.
Roberti found he had a flair for the multilevel marketing, or MLM, approach to sales in which he could profit not only from selling products but also from convincing others to become involved.
Within three years of signing up with the first company, Herbalife International, Roberti says he was pulling down $10,000 a month as he feverishly followed the MLM “three foot rule”: explain the product and the plan to anybody who gets within three feet of you.
But that’s chicken feed compared with what Roberti has done since then, selling water and air filters and now a food supplement called Juice Plus at his second company, NSA Inc. of Memphis, Tenn.
Every month for the last eight years, the distributorships he built, receive checks from NSA averaging over $250,000.
The “downline” or network of distributors, he has created in the United States, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, etc. is worth millions of dollars.
Now, a few blocks south of Siesta Village on the beach, construction crews are completing Roberti’s $2 million bachelor pad, which towers four stories above the sands and features a rooftop swimming pool and hot tub.
Elsewhere on the island, his business manager, former Touche Ross accountant Gordon Hester, works full time to keep track of the growing investment empire of Roberti International Inc. Hester estimates its value at $25 million to $30 million.
Roberti, 33, is known for paying cash for properties. He has snapped up two of the three homes directly north of his on Siesta Beach, and has made an offer on the third. He has between 35 to 40 tenants in 16 other properties, mostly on Siesta Key. He recently acquired the Siesta Key Fitness Center and is interested in buying more commercial property in the Siesta Village. Even so, real estate is only 20 percent of his globally diversified portfolio, according to Hester.
After 14 years of selling, Roberti is an undisputed multilevel Kingpin.
“His story is credible and believable,” said Scott DeGarmo, publisher and editor- in-chief at Success Magazine, which has led business publications in covering MLMs. “It is astoundirtg in terms of growth.”

Roberti was 21 and attending classes at Manatee Community College as well as working as a waiter when he got the MLM bug. A hometown boy, he grew up in Glen Oaks Estates, attended Tuttle Elementary School, Sarasota Junior High School and graduated from Sarasota High School in 1980.
When he attended the meeting sponsored by Herbalife International of Los Angeles, he said, he already knew he wanted to get involved in sales.
For three years, he built up his own Herbalife sales network buying the company’s nutritional supplements whole sale, selling them retail and persuading others to become a part of his network.
While he was making $10,000 a month, he says, “I saw guys who were making $100,000 a month.”
Meanwhile, Herbalife received bad publicity when the Food and Drug Administration raised questions about products containing the herbs mandrakand pokeweed. The company thought the trace amounts of those herbs in some of its products presented no risk to consumers, but it agreed to reformulate its products to eliminate concerns.
Herbalife has since recovered and does hundreds of millions of dollars of sales each year. At the time, though, the news reports scared away potential clients, according to Roberti, and he decided to drop out.
In 1986, while Roberti was licking his Herbalife wounds, a friend got him to buy an NSA counter-top water filter using a sales technique Roberti calls the “puppy dog close.”
You get somebody to take the puppy home for a week. At the end of that time, they’ve fallen in love with the puppy, so they keep it.”

NSA, short for National Safety Associates, had been around since 1970, sellling home fire protection equipment on a door to door basis.
The company added water filtration a products to its mix in the late ’70s. It didn’t turn to the multilevel marketing approach until 1986, a year and a few months before Roberti hopped aboard in early 1987.
As the company achieved momentum, so did Roberti.
“It was the timing,” said a fellow Sarasota MLMer, Charles Looney, who is now working to build his own MLM kingdom at a newer nutrition supplement company called Starlight International.
“I got in in 1990,” said Looney “I was in Jeffs downline, way down. I wasn’t far enough up to make the money.”
“The best formula for a company,” said Looney, is “two years old, less than 50,000 distributors, and they’re debt free.”
Roberti acknowledges some good luck, but attributes most of his success to hard work.
“In the beginning I worked seven days a week, 16 to 18 hours a day,” he said.”I worked in the U.S. and Canada for three years at that pace. And then I went over to Europe and did the same thing for two, three years in Germany and Switzerland.”
NSA was selling residential water filters when Roberti came on board as a distributor in 1987. After that it was air filters. While it still sells both, the company is now riding high on the anti-oxidant boom with its own nutritional product, Juice Plus.
NSA estimates that over half its active distributors are in the distributorship built by Roberti. NSA sales total have been in excess of 3 billion dollars worldwide.
Like Herbalife, NSA has had its bad years.
NSA had to settle with distributors in Florida in 1993 after the Attorney General’s Office said it received complaints the company was “deceptively enticing individuals into making huge up- front product purchases when signing them up as distributors” for the company’s water and air filters.
In Florida, each of about 32,000 distributors bought an average of $7,000 worth of water filters, and many of them were then unable to unload them, the Attorney General’s Office said at the time.
NSA has since eliminated the possibility of dealers accumulating excessive inventory simply to boost their spot in the company’s commission structure, according to marketing vice president John Blair.
In 1993, he said, “Our business was growing by leaps and bounds and we had 20,000 distributors a month coming into the business. It got overheated, and too many people bought inventory they couldn’t sell.”
Blair also said NSA was in the process of reorganizing its procedures when some of the over-extended dealers made complaints to attorneys general.
The MLM Lifestyle
A fancy lifestyle is considered appropriate for an MLM heavy hitter, and Roberti is no slouch when it comes to displaying wealth.
He showed up for an interview and photo session in a billowing red silk shirt and a $60,000 diamond-studded watch on his wrist.
When he goes for a drive, he has to decide whether to take the Ferrari or one of the Mercedes Benzes.
“Part of the lifestyle is… advertising yourself to future recruits,”said Scott DeGarmo, publisher and editor-in-chief of Success magazine.
The home he is building on Siesta Beach is a monument to lifestyle. There is only one bedroom – the entire fourth floor.
A commercial elevator can be programmed to deposit guests at the rooftop pool or the party floors of two and three. A balcony on floor three opens onto floor two, where the kitchen is located.
“The house is a statement to future recruits that they can follow in that path and achieve the same thing,” he said.
Since NSA and his business manager keep track of the money, Roberti’s primary job is being a motivational speaker. He doesn’t need much space to do that.
His office, in fact, is one of the smaller rooms in the new house, 10 by 15 feet.
“The three F’s are all I need,” he joked. “Phone, Fedex and fax.”
Roberti keeps himself in shape with more than Juice Plus, working out regularly with weights at the gym that he just bought.
One promotional piece featured Roberti holding a water filter and standing between the Ferrari and a red Mercedes roadster, with the beach and the Gulf in the background.
The point was, he said, that he paid for both cars with one month’s paycheck.

The phone schedule tells a lot.
At 10 p.m., when he is not on the road, Roberti is on the phone to Asia, where it is morning, to discuss what is going on with dealers there. In the afternoons, the calls switch to Europe, where the work day has ended. In the early evenings, the phone is alive with Canadians and Americans.
It’s often like being on stage: at the other end the NSA distributors will have a speaker box and 500 people in the room.
Later thIs month, Roberti will leave on a six-week-long around-the-world business trip with stops in Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Israel, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
When Roberti is doing something else, like traveling, it is Foran who keeps the troops psyched on the long-distance conference calls.
Like virtually all modern MLM companies, NSA uses computers to keep track of the commissions due each distributor and their multileveled networks, sometimes called genealogies.
Roberti simply waits until NSA obtains governmental clearance to sell its products in a given country. Australia and New Zealand now loom within NSA’s sights, and Japan will happen sometime later. Once the doors are open, Roberti sets up shop.
When NSA expanded into Germany, for example, Roberti spent half his time there, and made the round trip to Germany two dozen times in two years.
Why many consumers discount MLM companies as legitimate business opportunities, Roberti and NSA demonstrate the potential of this booming industry.

First of all I can never THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR THIS GIFT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME. I didn’t realize how stuck I was ,living my life like it was really okay. I had given up my HOPES AND DREAMS deciding that I could never have them so I put them aside . I have a new life now and I am so excited for this opportunity!!
I will be seeing a friend from South Africa on Thursday and would like to share JP with him. I am aware that not much can be done after speaking to Cheryl. However I was wondering if you would have ideas on how to keep him engaged until SA opens?

I enjoyed both hearing you speak in Scottsdale last Wed night and then again at the conference and yes I did laugh at your jokes both times!!
I have attached a picture of you and my daughter Madison from the Wed night training session.
She is the source of this quick story.
Madison has been sharing the JP+ Experience with her friends and we have been sharing the message with their parents.
This morning Madison sends me a text; one of her friends tells her that her mother is no longer interested in the JP+.
This is the great part; Madison text I know this seems weird but like Jeff says the people that dont want to get healthy can get out of the way so that we can go help the people that do
Im so glad I brought her with me and the reason I took the picture was so that she could remember that day for ever. She said when we left that she will never forget his smile.
Additionally, Today she needed a quote for school. So she uses the longest journey in life is the one from your head to your heart
Have a great day and thanks .

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