There are some clear indicators on when it’s time to make a decision and invest in outsourcing. The matter doesn’t stop there. The decision also extends to whether you take the offshore or nearshore outsourcing route.
Nearshore outsourcing is gaining in popularity.Many companies have outsourced to China, India and the Far East, but nearshore outsourcing is growing in momentum with key benefits that outweigh the offshore option. An offshore company can’t beat a nearshore company with the consolidated benefits of proximity in time zone, cultural affinity and a strong talent pool.
Selecting a nearshore company can help your organization excel and give it a competitive edge. This article explores some of the key factors to consider in investing in a nearshore company that will support your decision.
You Want to Grow Your Business
Outsourcing is a strong business tactic to facilitate business growth. Projects that contribute to a business’ operational performance and are lower in strategic importance make them the perfect types of projects to outsource. These types of projects allow you to do more to grow your business efficiently and effectively. You want to keep maximum control on projects that are highly strategic and have a big impact on operational performance in-house.
Lack of Availability of Internal Resources
If all or most of your resources are working on key corporate strategic objectives, it may leave you in a difficult position to assign resourcing for near future projects. Removing a resourcefrom a key corporate projectwill cause delays which will not bea viable option.
Choosing to outsource allows you to complete projects that help the organization to move forward and maintain their competitive edge. The decision to use offshore or nearshore resourcing can come down to time zone issues and cultural and language barriers.
If you decide to work with an offshore company, itcould be challenging due to the few or non-existent overlapping hours. By choosinga nearshore company, it can take on those important and less strategic projects in a time zone close to yoursfacilitating the channels of communication. In addition, Nearshore companies tend to be more culturally compatible and have stronger English language skills than offshore companies.
Keep Employees Focused
Outsourcing allows employees to remain focused on completing their work to achieve corporate objectives. The planning and scheduling of resourcing are not disrupted and outsourcing allows the organization to grow the business by pushing through some of the important but lower in priority projects.
Reduce or Control Operating Costs
By outsourcing projects, you don’t have to take on an additional salary, pay benefits or training. In some cases, the additional work is temporary and does not warrant bringing on a full-time employee. You just need someone or a team to contribute to the project until completion.
Another factor to consider is travel costs. Travel costs are cheaper with a nearshore company than an offshore company. Your want to increase your profit margins while keeping expenditures and operational costs down and travel costs can be a significant expense.
Gain Access to Additional Expertise
Perhaps you need some work done in a new technology that your employees have no experience with. It would take too long for them to gain the knowledge when you can hire someone in the short term to complete the work. When the work is outsourced to a company specializing in a particular technology, it allows you the flexibility to adapt quickly to the increased demand on your business.
Outsourcing is a great way to build your business and keep your operating costs down. Working with an outsourcing company is an opportunity to build a long-term investment and business relationship. When considering your outsourcing options, nearshore outsourcing helps to simplify the process by having a similar time zone, cultural affinity and a strong talent pool.
You can’t do it all. Getting the necessary resources to support an initiative or project will give you the freedom to put your energies and focus on increasing your business.
For More Info About Nearshore Outsourcing Visit Us.
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