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Things To Do After a Pedestrian Accident in Cape Coral, Florida
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Be careful when crossing the pedestrian lane. There are lots of recorded pedestrian accidents in Florida. Seek an expert attorney to fight for your claim and help you get the justice you deserve.

Florida, despite its beauty and blessings, is also the second highest state with the most pedestrian accident, according to a 2015 survey. Now, if you find yourself caught in an accident, what can you do before calling Peter Dennis, P.A. Law, your personal injury attorney Fort Myers?

1.       Call the police immediately. After the accident, it is important that you call law enforcement authorities so that they can immediately respond to the area. You are required to do this under Florida Law. The Police can also help you properly document the vicinity.

2.       Call medical personnel. Besides calling the police, we should also learn how to seek help from a medical authority, especially there is anyone who incurred injuries during the incident.

3.       Taking pictures of the accident area. If your injuries are minor you can trust this, getting picture could be a bit difficult, but as much as possible try to immediately get a shot of the accident area.

4.       Seeking help around the area. After the accident, if you can still move about, check the eyewitnesses to the event. Bystanders are important since you can ask them to be witnesses about the accident. Get the names of the people who are willing to testify about what happened even in court.

5.       Calling the insurance company. Insurance company representatives can explain to you the scope of your insurance and what to expect. During an accident, they can refer you to the proper medical authority who is authorized to check the extent of the insurance coverage depending on your injuries.

6.       Calling Peter Dennis, P.A. Law, your personal injury attorney Fort Myers. If you are injured, as a pedestrian, you are entitled to claims in court. Find a reliable personal injury lawyer who can represent you properly.

Thinking of getting a lawyer who will help you fight out for your claims in a pedestrian accident? Call Peter M. Dennis, P.A. Law Office at (239) 800-0399 for a free initial consultation or visit our website at

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Business details
  • +1 (239) 800-0399
  • 1533 Hendry Street 300 Fort Myers, FL 33901
If you need representation and guidance for your DUI, personal injury, civil or criminal case in Fort Myers, FL, contact the experienced litigation team at Peter M. Dennis P. A.